Corporate Responsibility at Metals X Limited encompasses our commitment and policies towards Health & Safety, the Environment and Community Relations. To ensure improved performance, we have set specific targets in these areas.
Health & Safety
The Occupational Health and Safety objective of Metals X Limited (“Metals X” or “the Company”) is to provide a safe and healthy place of work for all personnel associated with the Company’s activities.
Metals X is committed to the systematic identification and management of hazards and risks to acceptable levels.
To achieve this Metals X will:
- Ensure the development, application and review of risk management systems to identify potential hazards in equipment, workplaces and operating procedures, and take actions to control or remove those hazards.
- Seek continuous improvement in the health and safety standards of the workplace environment.
- Create and maintain a culture in the workplace whereby employees, contractors and visitors have accountability for maintaining a safe work environment.
- Ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and other health and safety obligations.
- Ensure individuals, within their area of control, have the knowledge and resources to identify and effectively control hazards.
- Report, record and investigate all incidents and accidents and ensure appropriate measures are taken to eliminate or manage identified and potential hazards.
- Provide adequate training, information, instruction and supervision to maintain an injury free workplace.
Community Relations
The Community Relations objective of Metals X is to develop and grow long-term relationships and partnerships with local communities by developing a culture of mutual understanding, cooperation, consultation and respect.
To achieve this Metals X will:
- Recognise and respect the value of cultural heritage and cultural diversity.
- Establish enduring relationships with communities based on honesty and mutual trust.
- Support the development and implementation of sustainable social and economic initiatives within the communities through cooperation and participation.
- Communicate and consult with all stakeholders.
- Ensure that employees are aware of and understand the requirements of the community management objectives.
Metals X believes that effective and successful community relations can deliver significant and lasting benefits to employees, the community and other key stakeholders.
Responsible Production of Tin
Metals X is committed to the responsible and sustainable mining of tin and is a member of International Tin Association.
Metals X Limited (“Metals X” or “the Company”) is committed to sound environmental management practices and the minimisation of environmental impact from its operations.
Metals X believes that sound environmental practice is not only a management obligation but the responsibility of every employee and contractor.
The prime objective of Metals X is to develop the culture, protocols and procedures to maintain the integrity of the environment associated with our operations.
To achieve this Metals X will:
- Apply a systematic approach to identifying environmental risks and employ practices that minimise environmental impact and prevent environmental harm.
- Comply with regulatory and ethical standards on a sustainable basis.
- Develop workforce awareness of sound environmental practice and promote a positive personal attitude to the environment by providing information and training.
- Communicate and consult with all stakeholders.
- Have continuous improvement through ongoing assessment of our environmental performance.